India is blessed with natural resources which has helped her to convert those into world class consumable items. Kashmiri Saffron has been one of them but over the years it has seen a gradual decline in its usage and export. Not any more! The saffron can now proudly boast of the GI tag that is now in its kitty.
Political instability, change in climate and reducing interest of the youth in the saffron occupation resulted in the decline. Pampore in Kashmir is known as the saffron town. Located at a height of 1600m, it grows the maximum number of Saffron flowers.
Pic credits: Maverickbird
Saffron flowers typically bloom for only 15 days in November. Each flower has just three strands and it requires around 75,000 flowers to just produce 0.5 kg of saffron. Can you imagine the intense labour needed and lakhs of plantation required in a Saffron field?
This is how the threads are plucked.
Pic Credits: BBC
Saffron spice in mostly grown in India, Spain and Iran. However, the Kashmir state of India has the best quality and the most expensive. It will cost Rs. 2,50,000 per 1 kg. Yes! That shocked your right? After all, best in the universe demands the best price.
Where is it used?
Most popularly used in "Kehwa" - a well known Kashmiri tea. It is prepared by boiling many spices - cinnamon, cardamom, saffron, and served hot with almonds and honey.
Pic Credits: BBC
So if you are one of the rich persons or have good disposable money or a tea connoisseur, then you should try the authentic and probably the most expensive tea of the world in Pampore.
If not, you should definitely visit Pampore and see the beauty of the landscape which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Pic Credits: Asnaav