Tiruvannamali is a famous Hindu pilgrimage in Tamil Nadu, about 172 kms from Chennai. You may have often seen its architecturally beautiful temple on television or may have visited it as well. The town lies on the foothills of Annamalai hills and hence is surrounded by the hills.
There are many villages around the town that are in the profession of weaving Arani Silks. The Sengunthar community has been involved in traditional handloom weaving and bulk of Arani Silks come from these villages.
Amazing Fact: Do you know that it is said that the first Indian flag hoisted from the Red Fort was made from Arani Silk?
What is unique about Arani Silk?
These sarees are individually handled by the designs that are punched on the cards and loaded on to the looms. The unique feature of these sarees is that one side of the body will be in one colour and the other side in other colour.
How is it made?
We often think that like the western clothing, these sarees can also be manufactured quickly. But that is not the case. The 'weaving' is a time taking and hectic process. The below picture can give you a gist.
Click here to find out the entire process of the making.
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